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Silicone vs. saline implants: Choosing the right breast augmentation option for you

Silicone vs. saline implants: Choosing the right breast augmentation option for you

Breast Implant

Choosing saline vs. silicone implants is an important decision to make when considering breast augmentation. Both FDA-approved options offer unique benefits, but the decision ultimately comes down to your personal preferences and your surgeon’s recommendations. In this article, we’ll dive into everything you need to know about saline and silicone implants, from their composition and feel to their shape and safety profiles. 


Also known as augmentation mammoplasty, breast augmentation is a surgical procedure designed to enhance the size and shape of your breasts. It’s a popular choice for women looking to boost their confidence or address changes in their body due to pregnancy, weight loss, or other factors. During the procedure, implants are carefully placed under your breast tissue or chest muscles, creating a fuller, more voluminous appearance.

There are a few reasons why you might consider breast augmentation. Maybe you feel your breasts are too small for your frame, or perhaps you’ve noticed some asymmetry that affects how your clothes fit. Some women opt for this surgery after experiencing a reduction in breast size following pregnancy or significant weight loss. Whatever your motivation, breast augmentation can be a transformative experience that helps you feel more comfortable and confident in your own skin.

Breast augmentation has come a long way since its inception in the 1960s. Today, you have options like silicone vs saline implants, each one with their own benefits.


doctor checking silicone size to patient

Silicone breast implants have become a popular choice for many women seeking breast augmentation. These innovative implants, consisting of a silicone shell filled with silicone gel, offer a natural look and feel that closely mimics real breast tissue

“Gummy bear” breast implants are a type of highly cohesive silicone gel implants that are revolutionizing breast augmentation. Like their gummy bear namesakes, these implants maintain their shape even if the outer shell is compromised. The secret lies in their thick, form-stable gel filling. This innovative design offers the best of both worlds: a natural, soft feel combined with the ability to hold a specific shape – whether round or teardrop.

You need to be at least 22 years old to receive silicone implants, except in specific cases such as breast reconstruction. Although it is legally allowed to get silicone implants before turning 22, most implant manufacturers do not provide warranties for patients under this age.

Advantages of silicone implants

  • Natural feel and appearance

    When it comes to achieving a natural feel and appearance, silicone implants provide a realistic touch that’s hard to distinguish from natural breasts. Designed in a pear or teardrop shape, silicone implants replicate the exact contour of natural breasts that is enhanced by their special 80% fill rate. This allows the gel to settle naturally due to gravity, avoiding the overly round look sometimes associated with other implant types. The result is breasts that not only look natural but feel incredibly lifelike, too. 

  • Stable shape

    As for maintaining a stable shape over time, silicone implants really shine. Their cohesive gel filling provides a good level of stability, helping the implants hold their form for years. This is particularly beneficial for those with minimal natural breast tissue.

    The lightweight nature of silicone gel means it’s less affected by gravity, allowing your augmented breasts to keep their shape even during vigorous physical activities. Plus, you won’t have to worry about any visible sloshing or movement within the implant as the silicone stays fixed in position. 

  • Less likely to collapse

    Silicone implants are highly durable and resist collapse, even if they rupture. If a leak occurs, the cohesive nature of the silicone gel keeps it contained within the implant shell or breast pocket, preventing the implant from losing its shape. These implants offer not only peace of mind but also a consistently natural appearance with fullness at the base and a tapered top. 

  • Less chance of rippling

    When considering breast augmentation, the risk of visible rippling or wrinkling is a common concern, especially for those with less natural breast tissue. Due to the unique composition of silicone implants, it significantly reduces the likelihood of rippling, which can appear as visible folds or wrinkles under the skin. 

    Unlike some alternatives, silicone implants maintain a smooth, natural-looking surface, even in cases where there’s minimal breast tissue to cover the implant. This low risk of rippling not only ensures a more aesthetically pleasing result but also contributes to a boost in confidence for many women post-surgery. 

Disadvantages of silicone implants

  • Risk of rupture or leakage

    One potential drawback of silicone implants is the risk of rupture or leakage, which can be more challenging to detect compared to saline implants. This is often referred to as a “silent leak” because the silicone gel can remain trapped within the fibrous capsule that forms around the implant after surgery. 

    While you might notice subtle changes like a slight decrease in breast size or increased firmness, these signs can be easy to miss. If left untreated, leaking silicone can lead to breast pain or changes in breast shape. 

  • Larger incision

    When considering silicone implants, it’s important to be aware that they require a larger incision vs their saline counterparts. This is because silicone implants come pre-filled from the manufacturer, unlike saline implants which can be inserted empty and filled after placement. 

    The need for a wider incision is because the entire pre-filled implant needs to be inserted at once. While this might sound concerning, the incision is typically made under the breast fold, allowing the natural contour of the breast to conceal the resulting scar. 

  • Often more expensive

    While many patients prefer the look and feel of silicone, the higher cost is a significant disadvantage to keep in mind. Silicone implants typically run about $1,000 more than their saline counterparts, which can push the total cost of breast augmentation surgery close to the $12,000 mark. 

    But that’s not the end of the story. You’ll also need to factor in the expense of regular follow-up MRIs, recommended every few years to ensure the implants aren’t leaking. These ongoing costs can add up over time, making silicone implants a more substantial long-term investment compared to saline options.


saline implants

Saline implants are a popular choice for breast augmentation, offering a safe and effective way to enhance breast volume and projection. These implants, which consist of a silicone shell filled with a sterile saltwater solution, are flexible, customizable inserts that can be tailored to your desired shape and size.

Because they are customizable, saline implants allow surgeons to fill the implants to the desired size during the procedure, which means a smaller incision and more control over the final shape. These implants are also a common choice for reconstructive surgery. Saline implants are available to women 18 and older.

Advantages of saline implants

  • More versatile

    Unlike their silicone counterparts, saline implants can be fine-tuned during the surgical procedure. This means your surgeon can adjust the volume on the spot, ensuring you achieve the exact size and symmetry you’re looking for. It’s especially helpful if you have uneven breasts or are unsure of the exact size you want. Saline implants also enable innovative surgical techniques, like making incisions in hidden areas such as the armpit or belly button, resulting in minimal visible scarring.

  • Easier to detect a rupture

    Unlike silicone implants, you’ll notice immediately if something is wrong because the implant will deflate as your body absorbs the saline solution safely. This eliminates the worry of “silent ruptures,” which can occur with silicone implants without being noticed unless you get special imaging. With saline implants, there’s no need for regular MRIs to check for hidden issues. You’ll have peace of mind knowing that if a rupture does happen, you can act quickly, and the saline solution is harmless to your body.

  • Smaller incision size

    Another key advantage of saline implants is that they require a smaller incision for insertion. Since they are inserted empty and filled with saline after they’re in place, surgeons can use a small incision, usually about 1 inch, discreetly located under the breasts. This smaller incision leads to less noticeable scarring and may also result in a quicker recovery. For many women, this makes saline implants an attractive option for a more discreet and minimally visible procedure.

  • Lower cost

    When considering breast augmentation, many patients are pleasantly surprised to learn about the cost-effective nature of saline implants. These implants generally come with a lower price tag compared to their silicone counterparts, making them an attractive option for those mindful of their budget. 

    This cost difference isn’t just about the initial expense—it can have a ripple effect on the overall financial investment of your breast augmentation journey, including potential future procedures. For many, this financial advantage of saline implants is a significant factor in their decision-making process, allowing them to achieve their desired results without stretching their budget too thin.

Disadvantages of saline implants

  • Higher risk of rippling

    A significant drawback of saline implants is their tendency to ripple, which can be a concern for some patients. Rippling happens when the edges of the implant show through the skin, creating a wave-like pattern on the breast surface. This is more common with saline implants because their liquid filling can cause a “sloshing” sensation and may not hold a consistent shape as well as other options.

    Rippling is more noticeable with saline implants, especially in women with thin skin or low body fat, which can affect the natural appearance that many patients want.

  • Heavier feeling

    Saline implants have a heavier feel vs silicone alternatives. Although the weight difference might seem small, many people notice that saline implants feel more substantial. This is because the saline solution and its shell weigh more than silicone implants of the same size. This added weight, along with their rounder shape and less natural texture, can make them feel and look less like natural breast tissue. Some patients feel that this heavier, less natural texture doesn’t achieve the desired result of a more natural-looking breast augmentation.

  • More movement

    Saline implants have a tendency to move more within the breast pocket. This movement can cause discomfort and an unnatural look. The fluid nature of saline can create a noticeable sloshing sensation during activities, which many women find bothersome. This movement can also be visible externally, especially in those with less natural breast tissue or thinner skin. 

    Additionally, saline implants are more likely to rotate, particularly in women with smaller breasts or those undergoing reconstruction. This movement and rotation can lead to an unnatural appearance, often requiring more adjustments or revisions.


patient choosing silicone

When you’re ready for a breast augmentation, one of the first big decisions you’ll face is choosing silicone vs saline implants. It’s not just about size: these two options differ in weight, feel, and overall appearance. While both are safe and have their own perks, one might be a better fit for you. 

Here are the factors to consider when choosing between a silicone or a saline implant:

  1. Body type

    When choosing between the two, your body type is key to getting the most natural and comfortable result. For those with a slim build or little natural breast tissue, silicone gel implants are often the best option. They feel softer and are less likely to show rippling, resulting in a more natural-looking enhancement. 

  2. Shape

    The shape of breast implants—saline or silicone—can greatly influence your final look. Saline implants are fully round, giving a fuller, perkier appearance that some women prefer, though this can look less natural. They provide a bold, voluminous look. 

    In contrast, silicone implants, especially teardrop-shaped ones, more closely mimic the natural contour of breasts. They hold their shape better, reducing visible rippling and offering a more natural look and feel, especially at the top of the breast. Your choice between saline and silicone will depend on whether you want a rounder, fuller look or a more natural contour.

  3. Interior fills

    Both saline and silicone implants have a silicone outer shell, but the inside is different. Saline implants are filled with sterile salt water and are usually inserted empty, then filled once in place. 

    On the other hand, modern silicone implants are filled with a cohesive gel that is much different from the liquid silicone used in the past. Many patients and surgeons prefer silicone implants because they are lighter and feel more natural, closely mimicking human fat. This natural feel is a major reason why silicone implants have become more popular recently.

  4. Scarring

    The type of fill of the breast implant affects both the surgery and the final result. Saline implants can be inserted empty and filled afterward, allowing for smaller incisions and more choices for where the incision is made, such as around the areola or even through the belly button, which can lead to less noticeable scars. 

    Silicone implants, known for their more natural look and feel, require slightly larger incisions and have fewer incision site options. Your decision between saline and silicone may depend on whether you prioritize smaller, more discreet scars or a more natural feel.

  5. Lifespan

    Consider their lifespan and long-term effects as well. Saline implants usually last 10-20 years, while silicone implants can last much longer, often 20-40 years. This difference is due to their interior fills. 

    Saline implants, filled with saltwater, are more likely to rupture and may show visible rippling over time, where the implant’s edges become noticeable through the skin. Silicone implants, with a thicker gel, hold their shape better and are less likely to show these signs of aging. Understanding these differences between silicone and saline implants can help you choose the best option for lasting results.


If you’re considering breast augmentation in Los Angeles, it’s crucial to have a thorough consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Alain Polynice to discuss your options and ensure this procedure aligns with your personal aesthetic goals.

With a career spanning 23 years, Dr. Polynice has become a go-to expert for celebrities and international clients seeking world-class breast and body procedures. His surgical precision and artistic vision, influenced by his French heritage, has earned him a reputation for creating results that embody sophisticated Parisian elegance.

When it comes to breast augmentation, Dr. Polynice’s expertise is unparalleled. He understands that each patient’s journey is unique, and he takes the time to listen to your goals and aspirations. Whether you’re looking for a subtle enhancement or a more dramatic change, Dr. Polynice’s skillful hands and artistic eye can help you achieve the look you desire. 

Get in touch with the best breast surgeon in Los Angeles Dr. Alain Polynice and the rest of Beverly Hills Face and Body Specialists today! Call 424.453.1187 or email us to schedule your consultation.

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